
The contents of these postings are the expressed opinions of the postee. Based on the postee's personal knowledge, readings and expressed personal opinions at the time of their posting. We encourage postees to be truthful and have research their posting. Use of quoted material must be fully documented utilizing parathenical notations, plagerism will not be tolerated and fraudualant postings will be removed.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

"A Coat"

Rhyme: abbacdeedf

Meter: varies

Form/Stanzaic Structure: 11 lines, 1 stanza, meditative, monologue

Speaker: implied author

Audience: implied author

Tone: reflective, hostile

Diction: informal

Syntax: past tense

Sound Pattern:

Imagery: The mythological references in his poems are like embroidery covering a coat, they make it more beautiful and rich.

Symbolic Language: coat: poetry, embroidery: mythology, critics: thieves

Figurative Devices: metaphors

Theme: The author would have been better off not writing about myths, then the manner in which the critics twisted his intensions.

Argument: A writer should be allowed to own his work and what it stands off and not have others twist his intentions.

Rhetoric: reflection

Flaws: Turn between the fifth and sixth lines.

Summary: In starts with a reflective mood about how worked to make his poetry rich in meaning to have it misunderstood by those that read it. Begins with a praise of his work and ends with an attack on his actual audience compared to the imagined audience.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have the rhyme scheme wrong - it is ABBAC DCCDE.