
The contents of these postings are the expressed opinions of the postee. Based on the postee's personal knowledge, readings and expressed personal opinions at the time of their posting. We encourage postees to be truthful and have research their posting. Use of quoted material must be fully documented utilizing parathenical notations, plagerism will not be tolerated and fraudualant postings will be removed.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

"To a Young Beauty"

Rhyme: aabccb

Meter: alternates between tetrameter and trimeter

Form/Stanzaic Structure: letter/monologue, fast movement due to the meter

Speaker: implied author

Audience: other poetry writers

Tone: condenscending

Diction: uses simply language to reflective the simplicity, author is criticizing in other writers.

Syntax: convoluted syntax

Sound Pattern:


Symbolic Language: Ezekiel, Beaujolet, Landor, Donne

Figurative Devices: metaphor

Theme: It is better to write a few better pieces then a multitude of simplistic works.

Argument: Writer should strive to be the best in their field and study the best writers of his time.



Summary: Writing may not pay well, but writers should work hard at their craft and study the best writers so that they can perfect their art. It is more important that a writer have a well written work with complex ideas and form , then a simple sing-song nursery rhyme.

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